When Should You Get A Massage?

Apr 10, 2021 Business Success

Our bodies ache for a number of reasons, some are just due to build up tension in muscles and joints and others can be due to chronic illnesses or sports injuries. However, the main goal of a massage is to provide blood flow stimulation, reduce stress and relieve pain from different parts of the body. Some massages are designed for purely comfort and relaxation; these are types of massages that are carried out in spas and salons.

However, you do get the other types such as physiotherapy for sports or normal injuries and even deep tissue to relieve chronic illness. Although we all experience pain for various reasons we are never quite sure of when we do need a massage and for what specific reason. Here is list of reasons you should consider getting a massage.

For Stress management

Our bodies are put through high amounts of stress. Whether it is the work we do where the mental stress takes a toll on our health or even physical exhaustion. You should consider getting a massage in order to relieve your body of all this built-up tension. Stress can be experience in knotted joints, muscle pains and overall discomfort.

Opt for a Swedish massage where the main goal is to provide relaxation and pain relief. It is gentle on the body so you will feel refreshed and stress free afterward. Or you can check out bodymotionphysio.com.au to see which type of massage you need to get.

General health and relaxation

Over time our bodies get tired, knots and joint pains are inevitable. Therefore, a massage every few months is highlyrecommended just so the body is allowed to relax and be relieved of any pain. A gentle massage increases blood flow and circulation and can even help in reducing inflammation in feet and joints.

Retraining the body

Due to our jobs and long hours in front of a computer our posture is greatly affected. While it is important to stretch out the limbs and joints by taking breaks, a massage can help get rid of the stiffness and tension that causes pain especially in places such as the neck and joints.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation takes place mostly due to the lack of blood flow to a certain part of the body. This is commonly seen for the feet, fingers and legs. A massage while providing pain relief it also increases blood flow. It is better to check with a Doctor on which type of massage is better suited and how often should it be done in order to provide the relief.

A massage is beneficial when it is done more often. Get a massage once a month or every 6 weeks to really feel the effects of it. Other tips such as a hot shower beforehand can help make you feel more relaxed and rested for your massage. It is important to feel comfortable so schedule an appointment when it is convenient to you and ask for someone in specific if you have him or her in mind.