How to Create a Successful Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

Feb 25, 2021 Business Success

Marketing nowadays is a lot more complicated than it was many decades ago. With the help of technology today, there are plenty of ways businesses can launch their marketing campaigns aside from the traditional ways. Marketing campaigns are now more focused on consumers’ shopping behaviour and reach to them on various platforms. This marketing style is what marketers call multi-channel marketing.

Instead of creating a start-and-stop campaign, multi-channel marketing utilizes various platforms online such as social media, email, blogs, and a lot more to reach their customers. Consumers are bombarded with a lot of product and service options everyday while they are online. You should make your multi-channel marketing strategy efficient and interesting to catch more attention and stand out among your competitors.

Creating a new marketing campaign is an important investment that should only be entrusted to agencies with expertise on this marketing technique. For Australian businesses, Blue Star Direct is one of the best marketing company you could trust.  Here are the factors that could help make your multi-channel marketing a success.

Determine Your Target Consumers

Knowing what type of people your target buyers are can help you create a campaign that is effective for them. You can set the right tone and message that would appeal to them as well as focus on channels where they mostly are present. That way, your resources won’t go to a wasted campaign. 

Pick Your Target Channels

Although it would be great if your brand could just show up anywhere, it would definitely cost you a lot to maintain all of those campaigns. Make the most of your resources by choosing channels that make more sense and where your buyer persona is. You could start from those channels and eventually expand to others once your previous campaigns are successful.

Create a Cohesive Message

When creating content for different channels, it is important that all of these contain a cohesive content. This is to be sure that your buyers won’t get confused with what you’re promoting. Consumer-first content is proven to be more effective than pushing your products to them that’s why it is always best to use that messaging style.

Create Content Depending on Channel

Your content should depend on what type is effective on each platform. For instance, image and visual campaigns are more effective on Instagram. On the other hand, articles would work best on blogs or editorial platforms. Even with varying forms, your content should be cohesive with each other.

Integration across Channels

Multi-channel marketing doesn’t just mean that you’ll promote your brand in different platforms. They should also work together to gain more audience and increase conversion rate. You could integrate these platforms by having a unified inbox across channels, all-in-one marketing analytics, or a customer relationship manager to track all engagements and interactions.

Your marketing campaign shouldn’t only make your brand visible to different platforms. It should mainly aim to reach more and improve your business performance through integrated marketing campaigns.